Tougher than nails

When you work in automotive repair (or other “hands on” jobs) you are always worried about damaging the ring or worse losing a finger. Tungsten is in a class alone with very strong and dependable metals. It offers the same beauty as well class when made into a symbol of love also known as a wedding band. I have seen my father’s wedding band covered in cuts, scratches and a few dents from being a factory mechanic. The first wedding band that my sister got her husband lasted less than a year and his was pure gold. When I gave her this amazing wedding band to give to her husband I never knew that the husband would be calling me and thanking me! He knew the first day that he wore it that it was different than anything he ever expected. He loved the intricate design in the center of the ring, Meteorite Stone. The center is coated with a thick material that makes it even with the Tungsten metal. When he opened up the ring box he found the care and information booklet that the seller provided. My sister said that she never seen her husband’s eyes pop out to far. When she asked what caused the reaction he showed her the section that the only thing that only thing that could harm the ring was a diamond! Then he read the guarantee that seller offers and when they offer a full refund or exchange on their product, you know the company is sincere. The ring is delivered in a beautiful maroon box that is heavy duty and strong. Then there is the ring information on top of the box and then wrapped inside another white box. It makes you feel that the ring is extremely precious and as a symbol of love it is! I received this product for free or discount and in return I offer my unbiased opinion.

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